I really love joomlart T3-framework and I also follow your step to use T4-framework. That's really awesome and I am getting used with it after a period of time trying it. Our client asks for hight accessibility. One of its requirements is tat all elements should be visitable by only keyboard. For now keyboard users cannot access second ayer of main menu. Please consider adding keyboard listening for further updates.
Hi shawnhy
Thanks for your input!
I will share with the T4 dev team for further consideration on this feature.
It's an old threat, but I had the same problem. I solved it by adding following lines to the custom.css:
.nav-item.dropdown.mega.parent:focus-within>.dropdown-menu.mega-dropdown-menu{ display:block; opacity:1; transform:scale(1,1); }
wezetel Thanks for your sharing!
Would be good, to have this (or similar) included by the JA developers in future versions, to better fullfill accesibility requirements