Open Street Maps is not working. Followed all of the steps in the documentation but the map for a test event is blank. I also set 'Show distance in member lists' and 'Enable radius search'.
This is the documentation that I followed.
hpwelch Hi Radius search will work with Google Map integrations. The location field in profile is working on your site OSM is free if you conti try to load map from same IP it will auto block the IP for some time and then unblock.
Are you saying that Radius search will not work with OSM? Is that why the map for my test event does not work?
hpwelch Hi OSM will work for events, but if you will conti. from same IP it will block to appear. Here i checked this event It will show location only of OSM recognize the address you added.
So you are saying that everything is set up correctly in Jomsocial to use OSM, but because I tried to access it more than a few times OSM temporarily blocked my IP address? Is this intentional by OSM?
hpwelch Hi Yes the setup is okay, This is normal if address not found by OSM it will not show. and IP block is a temp. from OSM due to bandwidth limits.
Thank you!