some categories from the menu are displayed differently to me. When I duplicate an item in the menu, I edit it to another category of articles, so it looks different anyway. Where did I make a mistake?

The rating is out of the picture, the text about the number of comments and the share buttons are also wrong.

But the settings for both menu items are the same.

Thank you for your ideas.


    Menu type and options are the same, because it is a duplicate of the original menu item.

      Kindly Edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login and the Article URL which this issue.

        Its a single article Menu not Review category blog this is why it not working.
        Kindly open the menu page display option and add Page class : article-review


          I have everything set up well. Menu item is configured as Category Blog Review and Page Class: article-review.

          Ninja Its a single article Menu not Review category blog this is why it not working.
          Kindly open the menu page display option and add Page class : article-review

          please read again the URL you added is single article menu http://prntscr.com/t0kwkg
          You should add page class only for single article menu.

            Ninja Ooops! My mistake, I checked the menu item and not the article. Thank you so much for your help. (:

            Ninja locked the discussion.
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