Thank you have done that. url:
I have given you superuser access. From the frontend, log in after scrolling down for the login screen. You should then see the "Gallery" menu item. It is here where you should see the JA Image HS modules in action.
I have only created one hotspot on each image for starters. Should you select "Gallery" from the Main Menu, the first image you should see, appears from the article "Evan Main" and plugin {loadposition mainpage}. When you click on this hotspot, it takes you to the next article "Does God exist" and plugin {loadmoduleid 108}. Should you click on this hotspot it should open the article "Is there a God 1". But with the latter you should see that the link in the hotspot is not working. Should you call up the same article from the main menu item: "Gallery/Is there a God?", then the link in the hotspot works fine.