I am able to create JA Megafilter menu item but the generation of article thumbnails failed although have I set the thumbnail generation to Ýes. I am using it to filter Joomla Article native content. Please refer to the attachments.
Hi tschoo
1 - You need to configure the filter to show any element you wish. I checked but there was nothing to show there so I just tried to add the thumbnail element and you can see it's showing now:
2 - I also notice an issue with 'List' view of this page where the style of template override the style of JA Megafilter so it affects the display of the image. I did test with 'Protostar' - standard template of Joomla and the image is showing properly: https://prnt.sc/t1w6dd If you use 'List' view, pls contact provider of Joomla template you're using for help to resolve issue.
saguaros Is there a way to disable 'List'view?
Unfortunately, there is no option so you can disable it via configuration, you can use this custom css to hide it:
.products-toolbar .jamg-layout-chooser span:nth-child(2) { display: none; }