Hello and thanks for the reply. The issue or question is not specific to my web site. Please see the demo:
On desktop, the hero with the gentleman on the cell phone uses the image: background-image: url(https://ja-morgan.demo.joomlart.com/images/joomlart/slideshow/item-1.jpg);
When switching to mobile (in my case, I set DevTools to iPhone X). the gentleman is cannot be seen in this viewport size, but the same image called: background-image: url(https://ja-morgan.demo.joomlart.com/images/joomlart/slideshow/item-1.jpg);
I am using the same template and module. I configured my css with media breakpoint to use an appropriately-sized image. However as in my original question, the CSS which would pull in a right-sized image is overwrittin the ACM module's inline style which uses only one image, which is oversized for mobile device viewports. I am looking for suggestions or ideas on how to remedy this issue.