Hi ghanahost
You can try this way:
1 - Add a new position:
Open the file: /templates/ja_helple/templateDetails.xml and add new position as you wish, eg:
2 - Edit header block of template:
Go to Admin panel of your site > Extensions > Templates > select the template you are using > Layouts Settings > edit the header section, under the topbar, add this block:
<div class="t4-head">
<div class="container">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="tophead" />
It will look like this: https://prnt.sc/t4w9gp
3 - Go to Extensions > Modules > create a new custom HTML module (or any module type that shows the text as you wish and assign to above created position
4 - Of course, you will have to customize style for this module in your way.
I hope this helps.