Hi afaihesdin,
You can do as the following step.
1/ Add the following code to the Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
.gk-team-overlay a[data-type="liken"]:before {
content: '\f0e1';
.gk-team-overlay a[data-type="insta"]:before {
content: '\f16d';
2/ Open the wp-content/themes/john/js/gk.script.js file and find the line 298 then replace from line code 298 to 321 with the following code:
figure.attr('data-fb') != null ||
figure.attr('data-twitter') != null ||
figure.attr('data-liken') != null ||
figure.attr('data-insta') != null
) {
var overlay = new jQuery('<div class="gk-team-overlay"></div>');
var htmloutput = '';
var classcounter = 0;
if(figure.attr('data-fb') != null) {
htmloutput += '<a href="'+figure.attr('data-fb')+'" data-type="fb">Facebook</a>';
if(figure.attr('data-twitter') != null) {
htmloutput += '<a href="'+figure.attr('data-twitter')+'" data-type="twitter">Twitter</a>';
if(figure.attr('data-liken') != null) {
htmloutput += '<a href="'+figure.attr('data-liken')+'" data-type="liken">Linkedin</a>';
if(figure.attr('data-insta') != null) {
htmloutput += '<a href="'+figure.attr('data-insta')+'" data-type="insta">Instagram</a>';
3/ Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets and open the Bottoms IV widget in the right hand side then open the text widget to edit the HTML code.
- You can find the following code:
<figure data-scroll-reveal="enter from the top and move 50px over 0.4s after 0.2s" data-fb="#" data-twitter="#" data-gplus="#">
- Remove data-gplus="#" and add the linkedin or instagram with this code: data-liken="#" or data-insta="#"