Hi, I'm not sure if I've come to the right place. For our website I've tried to recreate the mask effect (darker background, white dots/lines) that you can see on the demo slider. I found another solution in this forum (https://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/t3-slideshow-mask/) but it didn't work for me. I know that the class "has-mask" is what is creating the effect but because the html structure of my smartslider seems to be entirely different than the demo slider structure (a lot of n2 class elements instead of class slideshow or swiper-slide?) I am not sure how to approach this issue. What can I do?
Best regards Julian
witt-sensoric Hi The mask is comes with JA ACM module i checked your site and its not using JA ACM module slideshow, it has 3rd party slideshow module. That style will work only for template ACM http://prntscr.com/t5yqzc
Hi, Oh gosh, that was unexpected. Since I already had all those ACM files in my template directory I didn't think it was a module that's missing. Thank's a lot!
Best regards