Footer problem
How to change white color modules in footer? And how to change size (high) of footer?
davidcube Hi Add this code in custom.css file and change the color code as per needs
.t3-footnav .t3-module { background: #ffffff; color: #555555; }
Thank You 🙂 working great 🙂 Best regards Pankaj 🙂
Another small question - how to change "high" of this footer?
Templates: JA Social II
davidcube Hi I can not see any URL. for style changes always share the Page URL here
I'm sorry 😉
davidcube Add this code in custom.css file and set the padding value as per needs
@media(max-width:768px){ .t3-footnav { padding-top: 48px; padding-bottom: 48px;}}
I put this code:
@media(max-width:28px){ .t3-footnav { padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px;}}
and no change - with any numbers ;(
davidcube please check your code is different. max-width value 28 min the code will work when screen size is 28px. make it a bigger value as PC size is big even mobile screen has 468px wide.
🙂 i check numbers from 28 - to 1000 🙂 nothing changing 🙂
davidcube In which screen size you are checking it? if its PC you can set the value 1600px
1920 x 1080 px
davidcube use this code only as you not able to get media size
.t3-footnav { padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px;}
Now is great 🙂 thank You Pankaj