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I have enabled auto scroll when changing filters fine when I change values inside the filter module.
but when I load the page where the filter module is assigned, I am redirected to the beginning of the filter tools bar, as show below ...

...Instead of loading the page normally and display the page from the top, as shown below :

How can it be solved?



    After I select a filter option, it scrolls down to the result section, reload the page, it still scrolls down to that section. Is that not what you're wanting?

      saguaros no this behavior is fine.
      the problem is just when you load the page for the first scrolls to the filter, instead of staying on top.


        When you turn on option "Scroll top", page will scroll to top of filter, even when you open page on first time. Could not change this behavior.

        But i've made a change on your site, so on first load, the scroll will go to "nicer" position. Please check.

          manhta ok but this not a solution.
          the features is available and very useful.
          this is only the behavior which is not normal.

          toonetcreation what have you done exactly ?

          I mean, on first load, page will scroll to top of list item. The pagination won't be covered any more. Like this.

          ok thanks.
          but which files have you modified?
          they will be overriden during next update?


            Please check file plugins\jamegafilter\content\tmpl\default.php line 128

            I changed code from

            if (! jQuery("html, body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: jQuery('div.ja-megafilter-wrap').offset().top }, 400);


            if (! jQuery("html, body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: jQuery('div.ja-megafilter-wrap').offset().top - 120 }, 400);

            This change only made for your site, with fixed top menu, and will be override on next update. Please backup.

            ok thanks but this is exactly that I don't want to do..override core files is a bad practice and risky.

            do you think the improvement could be in a future release?

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