I have a Publisher article that when I go to seems show up under the menu of my Journal Stream, so all the modules for the JournalStream are showing up on the article, which I need to be under the Syndicate menu. I need different content where those modules are showing up.

How would I go about getting the articles to not be under the JournalStream

    This is the Homepage of site if you publish module on Homepage and then redirect you to a sub page that part of Home, it will show same module. this is normal process in Joomla. Module assignment will work on the Joomla menu items.

    I guess I asked my question wrongly, becuse your answer is correct, just not what I was needing.

    Yes, the JomSocial is the homepage. I have Publisher under its own menu. When I go an article under the Publisher section I am getting modules for the JomSocial homepage showing up. I only want those modules to show up on the JomSocial homepage, which they do. I do not want them on the articles created under Publisher.

    Being that Publisher is its own menu, I should not be seeing Jomsocial homepage modules in the articles.

    Not sure how to change that?

      Kindly share the Page URL and module ID that should not show on the page you mentioned.

      Okay, here's a screen shot of the sequence that is happening.
      Picture 1: starts with the Syndicate-main menu, which has the modules correct. I click on the Syndicate 2020-
      Picture 2: takes me to the July 2020 articles. URL still shows this is the Syndicate Main menu. Modules here are still correct. I click on any article, for the next picture it is the "From The Beginning" artitcle, created in Publisher.

      Pictures 3&4; Show the article from Publisher, but also the modules for the Jomsocial Homepage.

      This is where I'm trying to figure out. How to not have those modules for the Jomsocial Homepage not show up for articles that are suppose to be under the Publisher menu?

        Sir I only need 1 URL on which module showing that u want to hide.
        And Module ID thats all.

        This is not a menu URL http://prntscr.com/tc1u1x
        its system URL and it comes when there is no menu assigned to article to category. it open under default home page.
        Kindly assign 28-syndicate-articles category to a menu like category blog menu type.

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