Yes. If you download and install t4-builder-article-integration-plg_1.0.2 plugin and open the code you will see a lot of references pointing out on components that do not exist
Line 47
$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_japagebuilder');
$loadfontDefaults = file_get_contents(JPATH_ROOT . '/media/japagebuilder/builder/googlefonts/data.json');
Line 67
'ajax_url' => \JUri::base(true)."/index.php?option=com_japagebuilder&view=page&format=json",
'builderParam' => "act",
'jabuilderPath' => \JUri::base(true)."/components/com_japagebuilder/",
'builderUrl' => \JUri::root(true)."/media/japagebuilder/builder/",
Line 190
$options = $input->get('option','com_japagebuilder');
...I think there might be even more.
the thing is that com_japagebuilder does not exist. It was the old Page Builder System Joomlart had. the new one is com_t4pagebuilder.