I'm using the News2 theme and when I browse the smartphone with Android operating system it doesn't work. It has a lot of difference from the original site. How do I solve it?
Att., Rita Gonçalves
Hi ritagoncalves
It looks good on my device:
Hello, On my LG K11+ smartphone it doesn't look good. I tested on several Android and the problem is the same. Attached screen image of the LG K11+ smartphone.
Did you experience the same issue with our demo site here? https://demo.gavick.com/joomla25/news2/
Could you share the ftp account also?
It is correct when I view https://demo.gavick.com/joomla25/news2/ on my smartphone. I will reinstall and test on my server without any changes to see if there is an error.
Please share your testing then.