Hello team,
I wanted to create a new post and add a url in my stream. Is it allowed to to that? Because while I am adding a url in "Say What's in your mind" it is hunging. What I am doing wrong? Is it allowed to add a url there? How is this possible to happen?
Thank you
archaggelos Hi The URL can be posted there is no issue, sometime a URL is blocked by the server side permission issue and in that case the postbox not able to post specific urls.
Hi Pankaj,
last days any url cannot be posted. Is something I need to check on the server side?
archaggelos Hi kindly check allow_url_fopen Is ON on your server PHP values. If still same issue, Edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login for staff, I will test it on your site.
Yes it is on
I have shared creds. Please check and let me know
archaggelos Hi Your site using very outdated version. As part of support please update the JomSocial first http://prntscr.com/tgsh5q As older version has many bugs and compatibility issues. You can see the updated changelogs and steps here : https://www.jomsocial.com/blog
Take full backup of site and follow update steps given in the Release blog posts.
As we discussed in older posts it is forbidden to upgrade JomSocial because it is hacked (custom code was added).
Are you sure that this is caused by outdated version of JomSocial? It cannot been fixed?
archaggelos Hi Its part of the debug to use latest version, as older version codes are freeze and many bugs that are pending to fix, its hard to say which issue may creating this problem as this is not bug in the Jomsocial.