Ninja Hello, pankj. I have done several tests. I have changed the socialize template for the protostar and it doesn't work.
This action I have performed on two of my sites created with JomSocial and the results are the same, error in all tests.
It is not a mistake that only happens to me, it happens to all the users of my site. Can it be a template theme? Is there an explanation of why chat allows sending images and not text? Do I have to disable chat from the small window?
That chat is not activated on your test site. Please do not refer me to your test site if it is different from my site.
This topic is very serious already, two test sites and both failed, and I have deleted my cache more than 30 times. Do I also have to ask all users of my site to clear their cache?
I see the forum and there are errors in the buttons with the new update.
My site does not give error in other buttons as some people do here. Am I the exception? or on my site the error is just the submit button? If it helps, I will tell you that the chat does not work. If I send a message from a user's profile, it sends it correctly. Now I go to chat and it doesn't work. To open the chat I send an image and it works.
If I leave the chat and go to the home page, if a user sends me a new message and I return to that chat it no longer works. I do not understand what happens.