How can I change the top background color? I was able to change the color for Blog and other sections. I would like to do the same for Home page.
ejbatu Hi use this code in custom.css file and change the color code as per needs.
.t3-topbar { background: #f8f8f8; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }
This is not working. at which directory do i save the file?
ejbatu Hi Open template folder/css/custom.css file If file is not present kindly create it ad add the code.
This is not working. Have you tested it on your end?
ejbatu Hi yes its working, I need the site URL to test it on your site.
I'm working on this on my laptop at the moment. What did you to change the color?
By the way, what's the best way to move the work from my laptop to a hosting site?
ejbatu Hi You need to put the site on live server and share the URL. you can take backup of site and install it on live server.
I need instruction on how to move it to a server/hosting company from my laptop.
ejbatu Hi You can use Akeeba backup extension helps you to take backup of site and install it on server. https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/joomla/akeeba-backup/
Thank you. I've added the URL to the admin reply.
ejbatu Hi Add this code in custom.css file
.t3-header { background: #faaf27; }
You can also check this via inspect element tool in browser to override the css example : http://prntscr.com/u6kj7x
It looks good. Thank you for your help!
ejbatu You are welcome!