Hey there, in mobile view we have these problem with not well alinged smiley and photo button: We're using the T3 socialize template.
diaperk4i Hi it looks a css changes on your site, i need frontend login to check this on your site. Edit fields in first post and submit the credentials.
Hey there, thank you have added the fields 🙂
diaperk4i Hi I can not see any option to comment on any post. Did you disabled it?
No, sir A lot of people are just liking photos so maybe scroll down the page with the "more" button will bring you to a section where you can enter a comment. Feel free to start a "Test" post, there you should be able to add a comment, too 🙂
diaperk4i Hi Please check i can not see any issue in PC and phone for the icon space http://prntscr.com/tqwxdl
Which browser did you use? The screenshot was from mozilla firefox mobile client.
diaperk4i Hi I checked it in the Chrome. If you are checking it in PC, kindly refresh the page after resize or check in a real device as the screenshot shared does not seems to be from mobile