depuis la mise a jour 4.7.7 le status Backgroun ds ne marche plus
db1 Hi There is no issue with Background status in new release. Kindly edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login for staff, I will have a look on this.
c'est fait attention a la majuscule du début et des deux points a la fin merci
db1 Hi Kindly check the user login is not super user. I need to check JomSocial settings, also need to set the default tempate to Protstar to see issue from JomSocial or from the template you are using on site.
bonjour, le template est tcc principal fait avec gantry . c'est le template par defaut pour la page d accueil
en me connectant avec n'importe quel login simple login utilisateur . la selection du status Backgroundss'ouvre on peut ecrire dedans mais quand on poste rien ne saffiche sur la mur
db1 Hi I do not understand your native language, to check this please set the template to default Joomla protstar and beez 3 as this issue not found in fresh package so it might from the template or 3rd party extension on your site.
sorry ok in English it worked before I did not change the template I have defined your login as a verified super user
db1 The submitted login is not super user Yet
I arrive at me connected with the given username and password pay attention to the capital letter at the beginning and the 2 point at the end
I tried the login in Edit fields option but they no longer valid, if you did not changed that kindly change asap as you posted them in public.db1
I do not understand Can you capture a picture to explain to me I see that the problem is not solved@pankaj#129415
db1 Hi I need working login of the site only Via Edit fields options : Further i have to disable 3rd party extension and check this issue with default Joomla template as this issue not found in JomSocial 4.7.7
Hello, Submit the site login only in Edit fields Hello I do not see the setting modification is it in the settings of jomsocial? or joomla setting? The status backgrounds does not always work !! Thanks
db1 The submitted login still not super user can you please upgrade user to super user permission level further i am not sure why you are not checking the issue with default Joomla template it might be issue from template or 3rd party extension/
hello it's good !! try access to the administration jomsocial was badly configured for you
db1 Hi Did you checked login? still not super user account, let me know once you upgrade the user permission to super user level. Only after that i can debug issue to see the issue from JomSocial side or not.
Good evening I just connected without problem to the admin console with the provided ID and password you have access I put the access which was not good for jomsocial now you can access it I do not see what is missing more to be in super admin you have access to all the features. Find out why since jomsocial update 4.7.7 the status backgrounds no longer work. thank you in advance
it's ok for the super user let's go be careful though thanks
db1 Hi Thanks for giving super user access. I shared it with development team member as there is is js conflict on your site. I will update you once Dev team will give feedback on this.
db1 Kindly check your site. You disable the post status box user points in JomSocial that hiding the status box activity. publish it again you will see the status updates.