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Recently upgraded and now cannot get th main page to load without /index.php appended to the site name. Odd because other pages show up as intended without index.php

A second issue is the images under the section "Some of our great places ..." are distorted being too long. Cannot determine where the min-height setting needs to be removed or altered.

    I am not sure why that worked after the site being live for several years.... but it did.
    Still have the issue with the pictures on the home page

    try this code in custom.css file for image issue

    div.k2ItemsBlockGrid .moduleItemImage img {   width: 100%;
        height: auto;}
    div.k2ItemsBlockGrid .grid-filter-item {   min-height: 180px!important;}

    Gracias. That worked. I could not find the code in the template.

    Ninja locked the discussion.
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