Is it possible to restrict access to the Event's functionality ? When a user clicks on the Events link I would like for them to have log in first.
smallmid Hi If Event is closed all users will not able to see it. Any user can see the event. but if they want to Join it they have to login on site its by default in JomSocial.
Ninja Thanks for the response. Or another way to say it is there way i.e. to restrict any of parts of Jomsocial? I really want to also make the videos restricted access only?
smallmid Hi In Simple way your can set the Video menu access to Registered only. JomSocial support the Joomla ACL in backend you can set the ACL from different user group. But if the user is loggged in user has option to post status box and videos.
Ninja Yes I understand that. I would like to still have the Video link visible on the menu item visible but when a person clicks on it, they have to login into the site to actually view the videos. Is that possible?
smallmid Hi Its not for single video view. the Menu access will work on the whole Video. You can show the Videos via JS videos module for this purpose. As the access level will hide compete menu.
Found a script that solved the problem. !!
smallmid Hi For redirection JomSocial has redirection plugin already that can be used to set login and logout redirections.