In the GK_NEWS 3.35 Template where I find the <head> </head> file to insert a script of the type <script charset = "UTF-8" src = "//" asynchronous> </script> ?? Thank you, Ignazio Mazzoli

    Head part may be found within gk_news/layouts/blocks/head.php file, the body part should be in gk_news/layouts/default.php.

    More information may be found here.

    Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately after entering the script <script charset = "UTF-8" src = "//" asynchronous> </script> both gk_news / layouts / blocks / head.php file , which in gk_news / layouts / default.php. it is before the closure does not work. That is, does not see it.

    Sincerely, Ignazio Mazzoli

      May i know what error you getting? Is it code errors or u refer the script now showing output?

        I think there is a syntax error, because the scritp is not in the origin of the page. Before, it was enough to enter <script charset = "UTF-8" src = "//" asynchronous> </script> and it appeared. Now what do we need to add?
        $ This-> addJS ( 'path_to_the_JS_file.js'); or
        $ this-

        addJS <script charset = "UTF-8" src = "//>;

        Thanks good evening

          The the files is correct to load as in page source can u check it with default Joomla template and share the result is this working on it?


            Please write me in full how it should be correctly written what I have to insert. What is the correct syntax? I did many tests without result
            $ This-> addJS
            <script charset = "UTF-8" src = "//" asynchronous> </script>
            Missing some steps?
            Thank you very much

              The template does not make any changes in the script you will add in the head.php it will load exactly same that will be added.
              The working of the script depend from where you copy it, you need to check with the provider from where you get this about the working. If the script working with default Joomla template and not wit Gavick template in that case you can let me know the output to check its working fine. So i can debug as template only load the script.


                I apologize for not replying earlier. I wanted to understand how to describe the problem.

                The problem is that when i try to insert code like <script src="..."></script> in head.php block then on the site, viewing the source, the code is totally removed.
                if i insert the html comment tag <!-- before the <script... then the entire row is visible on the page source obviuosly not loaded as javascript.

                Has any protection been introduced in joomla? How should I do to be able to insert scripts when my need. You want to check yourself. I have no difficulty setting up a super administrator account. Thanks for what you want to tell me.

                  Kindly check the login is not working :
                  I will add this script as you needed in head

                  <script charset = "UTF-8" src = "//" asynchronous> </script>
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