Is it possible to prevent viewing the list of all site users?
I do not want the site users to be able to find someone through the search in JomSocial. Is it possible to disable user search and the page listing all site users?
There was a setting in the CommunityBuilder component that allowed you to disable viewing the list of all site users.
Earlier on my site, some people tried to send spam to different users they found in the comments on the site. I am afraid that these people will now be able to send spam to every user of the site through private messages, even those users who did not write comments on articles on the site.
I would be quite happy if site users could find on the site their friends who are on their list on Facebook, Twitter, that would be enough. I do not want spammers to take advantage of the currently available list of all site users.
Is there some kind of tweak to hide the list of all site users and make it only available to admins?