objectivetop is there a way to make the "My Quizzes/Final Exams" and "My Certificates" tabs (links) disappear from the Users page?
You can hide it via custom css tricks or remove the main code, but its an important part as if you will add quiz in course it will show to students.
objectivetop do not intend to use the Kunena forum component to help the students. Is there a way to make the conversation area from the course interface disappear? I can see that in the back end / Kunana Forum / Lesson Comments Settings there is an option to forbid students to comment on lessons; I can not change the preset option ( Allow students to comment on lessons --> Yes )
Guru support Kunena comments, if user post a comment on course it will appear in Kunena forum only. Main workflow is from kunena to handle to comments.
objectivetop - I can see that there is no specific URL for individual lessons but just one for the course. Is there a way to have individual URLs for lessons?
Yes the lesson is part of the Course and can be accessible only via course, no specific URL supported.
objectivetop - I can see that the Video media has the option to be downloaded from within the lessons interface. Can this option be removed?
Yes it can be remove as browser auto show this option but video are saved on your server so if user can still get , Only students can download videos. btw if a user can see a video he can still make copy of it in any case.
Sorry the Registration use only Guru registration forum and not support the ACymail.
Guru does not support Digistore now, the updates are published on our site and you can download and install new version.