hi! i'm new to joomla art... used to be a joomlabamboo customer... so, please, forgive me if i'm asking something basic but that i'm still not seeing it...
i'm working with the HELPLE template... there i'm trying to change the H1 style for the ACM slideshow... but any option i select in the module / tabs / advanced options, as module class suffix, header class, seems to be not taken into account when i then check the page with the firefox console.... even the option for the title color in the tab "extra field" seems to be not taken into account...
i found this forum post: [https://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/h1-title-with-logo-or-mainmenu/]
but i don't want to change all the slideshow titles style in the site... only one slideshow i'm using in one of my sub-pages.. that's why i'm trying to use the module class suffix that is always so useful to do this kind of things... also the option in the previous link is not upgrade "friendly"...
also, i didn't find an ACM documentation... is there this kind of info?
please, i appreciate your help to guide me find what i'm doing wrong...
thanks a lot!!