I have a Aussie template. As when the screen size changes, the photos in the home slideshow are not framed properly. So I would like to find a way to make appear in the slideshow different photos depending on the size of the screen.
So I created 2 Zentools slideshow modules, the same but with photos suitable for different screens. I then inserted a media query rule in custom.css to display only the right zentools module depending on the width of the screen:
These are the rules:
@media screen and (max-width:1366px) {
#banner.zg-col.zg-col-12 .moduletable.aussie-slideshow.wave-border:nth-child(1){
display:none !important;
@media screen and (min-width:1367px) {
#banner.zg-col.zg-col-12 .moduletable.aussie-slideshow.wave-border:nth-child(2){
display:none !important;
But what I get is a white screen.
Can you help me?