Our article ads are not showing up.. yet modules work.. Here is the code: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="https://www.wirenet.org/index.php?option=com_adagency&controller=adagencyAds&task=remote_ad&tmpl=component&format=raw&zid=264"></script>
It used to work.. but not anymore and yes there are ads loaded
Szymas Hi Kindly download and install the module attached, let me know if it fix the problem
Sorry for the very later reply, no it is still not working in the articles
Szymas Hi Kindly edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login, Page URL on which ads are not showing l. So i can debug it on your site.
How do I submit you a temp super with this being public facing? Ninja
Ninja here is the page url: https://www.wirenet.org/news-categories/item/113-banker-wire-announces-plans-to-relocate-to-new-plant-in-2019
Szymas Hi Kindly Edit fields in first post here : http://prntscr.com/vq6atb and submit login details.
Ok, submitted, we might need your IP for backend access. If you are blocked just give me your IP and I will get you in
Szymas Hi Your firewall not allow me to see the admin page and it redirected admin URL to site home page. Please disable the JCH compression on the site and check if the issue is same with default Joomla template by creating a test menu with default Joomla template. at the moment your site showing js conflict error from JCH compression files.
I did turn off both the template and JCH and clear cache.. not change nothing shows up
Szymas Hi The Sucuri Website Firewall does not allow us to visit the admin page http://prntscr.com/w3magl , it redirect back to Homepage, For checking further kindly disable it temporary. So we can login on the site.