Hi stdesign
JA Megafilter will sort by the field on your site, you can go to Backend > Component > JA Megafilter > select filter you're using > and select a field that you want to sort by default: https://prnt.sc/u9hdbt
saguaros Yes, I understand this. But these default settings do not include the option to sort by the Sort order of Joomla Articles. Any thoughts? In the database table for the content this is the column "ordering". So I want to sort by that column.
stdesign You can simply uncheck that any field: https://prnt.sc/uamct1 it will filter by ordering of articles.
saguaros I will use this post in reply to https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/30413-default-sort-order/9. You asked to share the admin side of the JA Megafiler. You can see the setting as I have them at this moment. I attached a screenshot of the settings for the Base FIelds. None of the Custom fields are checked to use to sort. So to be short, at this moment we have nothing checked/selected to use for sorting the articles. In the tab Base Fields a lot of options are selectable for sorting. The only option I am missing is Ordering.
when no field is checked, it will sort articles by the 'ordering' in articles content list.
You can share the login info of your site so I can check.
saguaros can I send the details to you in a direct or private message?
stdesign You can edit Fields in your first post, only Moderators can see that info:
saguaros Ok, we made a development environment for you. We have the same issue here. I hop e you can figure out how we can get the desired result.
stdesign Could you grant the super admin permission for the provided account? as I can't view the filter now.
saguaros ok, we changed it.
As I can see that the filter is showing articles the same as the orderings in articles content now: https://prnt.sc/ufcu9t
Is that not what you're trying to achieve?
saguaros No, if you click on the ordering icon in the backend, you'll see the ordering of the articles. In this case the order of the article ID's is: 2 - 3 - 1 ..... But the filter shows it as: 3 - 2 - 1.
stdesign I checked again, if there is no field selected to sort, it will order by article ID.
saguaros Ok, that is not what you said in the first place. I can't imagine a situation where sorting by article ID would come in handy. It would be highly appreciated if either the default would be sorting by the ordering column or that this option would be added to the field list to set the sorting of the filter.
stdesign I'm sorry for the confusion. I will pass to the developer for further consideration on this sorting option.
saguaros That would be great! Thanks!
stdesign Thanks for understanding!
Yes, It would be really helpful if the default ordering is by article "order" and not by "ID". I cannot change the ID of hundreds of articles! When we add articles it is impossible to order them again. Hope this will be implemented soon.
kranta1 Thanks for your input. I've forwarded to the team so kindly wait.
Is there any update on this feature? possibility to order articles manually rather than by title or by ID only.
Hi ayyoubajmi There is no news from the team for this feature yet, unfortunately.