Hello. I made the gallery I wanted, but I have a small issue. Above and below the gallery, it leaves a white gap. While it should not. Can you check it please? It's in the main page, before the footer.
technova76 Hi it appears from your custom module you added on site, its not seems a template CTA module. Kindly enable right click option to inspect element on site.
I did it.
technova76 Hi Your custom module has 2 P tags at the top and bottom without content Remove them http://prntscr.com/ua38vh
Where are they? If you mean this <p>[gallery ID=2]</p>, which is the gallery I import in the custom module, is not working.
technova76 Hi its in your custom html module code, you can set the default editor to NONE and check origianl code may be you added enter and it making P tags
When I click on the "Code" button inside the module, I see this in the Tag tab:
I don't remember to added any enter. Can you check it for me please?
technova76 Hi Removed the P tag from custom html module. Now add this code in custom.css
#Section140 .custom { margin-bottom: -10px; }
Thank you. It works.