Hi saguaros ,
hid those messages in the global config, so they don't bother me no more.
I tried to install that T4 page builder. My plan was to install T4 from scratch on top of 3.9.21 Joomla. After installing component, blank template and 3 plugins, I ended up here: https://demo.schlaufuxx.de/demo12/.
If I use that quickstart package, I end up further down the road, but I am sure I cannot always use that on existing sites. Anyway, the menu always a problem, because it stays a white bar on top of the page, and not like in the demo https://www.joomlart.com/demo/barber.
I searched for documentation on that problem. Surprisingly, I could not find hints on that specific item. And, unsurprisingly, I am asking for your support (as always when I'm stuck).
Do you have any suggestions to have that barber demo !!including!! the menu bar on top of the background image?
Bets Regards, Joachim