Now, when installing JomSocial, there are 2 fields in the user profile where you can specify the phone number (Mobile phone & Land phone), but when you click on the phone number, you can only go to the search section. This is not the right way.
Can you fix this and make a new field type - "Click-to-Call"?
To display the phone number in the user profile with a code like this:
<a href="tel:[PHONE-NUMBER]">[PHONE-NUMBER]</a>
And make this field by default visible only to the user's friend list (to prevent spam bots from scanning the phone number)
For example, JomSocial has a field with an e-mail address and you can click on it and then send an e-mail letter to the user. The same could be done in the field where the user writes the phone number.
Please pass this on to the developers!