When viewing website in mobile, Share This and Typography options are not availalbe. How can we fix this?
Also, how can we add more share options beside the three (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) available?
ejbatu Hi its set to hidden for mobile add this code in custom.css file to show it .article-full .article-tools .sharing-tools { display: block!important; }
.article-full .article-tools .sharing-tools { display: block!important; }
Perfect!!! that did it.
How can I add more share options similar to this image? https://prnt.sc/ui0i60 When you click on the share icon, more share options are open.
ejbatu Hi These are from Add this You can check your Add this account for More share buttons .
Where exactly is Add This located?
ejbatu Hi The share code is defined in the Templates, but the screenshot you posted is not controlled via template code. Its Addthis service that show the icon and you can customize it from your own AddThis account.