You can customize it by overriding the blog view of com_content. Copy this file:
to this directory of JA Simpli template:
root/templates/ja_simpli/html/com_content/category/blog.php (you will need to create the associated path if it doesn't exist)
Then open this file, look for this code:
<?php if (!empty($this->link_items)) : ?>
<div class="items-more">
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('links'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
you can add this line of code to show text:
<span class="link-items-more"><?php echo JText::_('COM_CONTENT_MORE_ITEMS_LINK'); ?></span>
It will look like this:
<?php if (!empty($this->link_items)) : ?>
<div class="items-more">
<span class="link-items-more"><?php echo JText::_('COM_CONTENT_MORE_ITEMS_LINK'); ?></span>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('links'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Then you can add translation for this text and add style for it.