I have done a multilanguage site. In the event page there is the calendar block like https://ja-conf.demo.joomlart.com/index.php/en/pages/events/1-future-of-information-and-communication-conference-2018 but the <mounth>_SHORT isn't translated. I try to create language override but it doesn't change.... Solution?
razzo1 Hi The months short code is defined in this file : /language/en-GB/en-GB.ini If you are using DT register in this case it would be from : /language/en-GB/en-GB.com_dtregister.ini You can also make an override from Joomla language overrides.
I have created this Languages: Overrides:
but it doesn't translate:
SOLVED! It is a little but in the template: In file ja_conf/html/layouts/field/render.php on line 35 substitute <?php echo date('M', strtotime($value)); ?>, with <?php echo JText::_(ucwords(date('F', strtotime($value))) . '_SHORT'); ?>,
<?php echo date('M', strtotime($value)); ?>,
<?php echo JText::_(ucwords(date('F', strtotime($value))) . '_SHORT'); ?>,