when I change the PHP version to 7.36, I get the error message.
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /plugins/system/jabuilder/helper.php on line 265
What can I do?

Or do I have to switch to the T4 Page Builder?

Thank you!

Kind regards
N. Wurzer

    Thank you,
    but I can only read the question, the answer is blocked even though I am logged in.

      wurzer I will quote it here:

      You can open the same file: /plugins/system/jabuilder/helper.php

      On line 265, simply change 'continue' to 'continue 2' like this: https://prnt.sc/ti3pf7

      Thank you very much, after the change the current PHP is running.

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