Hello, I'm working on two different websites, LostArtGallery.com and one not presently online for review. Both are running Joomlart Templates (LA - JA_Resort and Other - JA_Helple) where I'm having issues with JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module and unable to find fixes!
- Lostartgallery.com - ACM Slideshow plays almost perfectly, but won't auto restart the slideshow when completing the 3 items. Please also note that slides on LA are doing a cross disolve from one slide to another.
- Other website - ACM Slideshow plays properly and auto restarts the slideshow when it completes, but it's doing a Left to Right slide transition that takes too long and would prefer cross dissolve on all transitions.
I've replicated both interfaces to be the same,
{":type":"ja_resort:slideshow","slideshow":{"jatools-layout-slideshow":"style-owl","slideshow[autoplay]":["true"],"slideshow[auto-time]":["16000"],"slideshow[image]":["images/gallery/LostArtGallery-2.jpg","images/gallery/LostArtGallery-3.jpg","images/gallery/LostArtGallery-4.jpg"],"slideshow[title]":["","",""],"slideshow[desc]":["Welcome to Lost Art Gallery","Classical to Contemporary","Art Appraisal and Service ((br/))((br/))We would love to help"],"slideshow[button1]":["","Click for Full Details","Click for more Details"],"slideshow[btn-link1]":["","shop","/services"]}}
{":type":"ja_helple:slideshow","slideshow":{"jatools-layout-slideshow":"style-owl","slideshow[autoplay]":["true"],"slideshow[auto-time]":["16000"],"slideshow[image]":["images/slideshow/slideshow.jpg","images/slideshow/slideshow-04.jpg","images/slideshow/slideshow-03.jpg","images/slideshow/slideshow-02.jpg"],"slideshow[title]":["Please Help make the World Better!","Please Help make the World Better!","Please Help make the World Better!","Please Help make the World Better!"],"slideshow[desc]":["Spread useful News not BS","Spread useful News not BS","Spread useful News not BS","Spread useful News not BS"],"slideshow[button]":["More Information","More Information","More Information","More Information"],"slideshow[btn-link]":["#","#","#","#"],"slideshow[btn-type]":["primary","primary","primary","primary"],"slideshow[button-2]":["","","",""],"slideshow[btn-link-2]":["","","",""],"slideshow[btn-type-2]":["primary","primary","primary","primary"]}}
but unsure where I can force ACM to
- Auto Play (Repeat) slides when finished on JA
- Transition Effect - Cross Dissolve on other website like JA is presently
Also please note, your Joomlart Forum search interface fails CONSTANTLY and fixing this problem that I get on Mac (Firefox, Chrome, etc) and Windows (same) would allow me to search and find the answers to my questions more directly. So far I haven't found a way around Searching forums and getting around my issues.
Thanks, Sorli...