If you go to this site and click on the list view the left part of the text is behind the filters. I have tried a dozen ways to override the styles to no avail. Any idea on how to fix this?
enktesisllc Hi Can you provide me a screenshot of the issue I just checked the site and content looks normal : http://prntscr.com/uktdgf http://prntscr.com/uktdhx
I figured it out by adding
.product-item-details { padding-left: 30px!important; }
to the custom class field on the JOOMLA menu item.
It would be nice to have some control over the spacing on the MF module.
enktesisllc Hi Sometime there are minor adjustment needed depends on the template structure and layouts used. It can be fixed using Module suffix custom classes and apply change in the custom.css for template.