As you are probably aware, we have done a lot of our own features on-site and made changes and improvements to the code to suit our own needs.
Nevertheless, there are some core fundamental changes we'd like to make such as reformatting how the messaging system behaves by limiting the number of emails sent per month from one member to the other, and also the access to the email system in relation to members connectivity.
For example, what we'd like to change is, example, if you are not connected to a member you should not be allowed to message him/her until you make that connection. Furthermore, example, you should only be allowed a certain number of email per month before you are charged a fee for an additional quota.
This work can be done by our developers, nevertheless, and if possible, we would much prefer you implemented these changes knowing you built the system to mitigate possible glitches and code breakages.
We are open to the payment of a fee for this work provided it meets our budget.
I look forward to your reply
MG Williams