saguaros thanks for your support. i'm having trouble with the following custom code: when i change there are four boxes (two on top and two on the bottom) on the left side and one on the right side. i've copied the custom code and only changed the images but on my website the writeup on the top left side box doesn't center - the site is
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<h3 class="s5_mod_h3"><span class="s5_h3_first">Stories</span> <span class="s5_h3_last">of Success</span></h3>
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<span class="student_name"> Nikhith K</span> <br /><span class="hide_mobile"><span class="inner_text"> <br /> An per quando ornatus platonem, suas prodesset vel ad per, fastidii torquatos nam ex. </span> <br /> <br /></span><a href="#" class="readon noarrow noback">Read More<span class="ion-android-arrow-forward"></span></a></div>
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