I installed JA Helpe with quick start.
I am using this as a standard website with the Balbooa Gallery Pro.

I am having issues with the articles and menu items displaying on the front end.

The default Template has been set to ja_helpe - Home 1
All cache has been disabled

Example: Contact Us - I have updated the contact details and template is set to default = ja_helpe - Home 1

I have found if I change menu assignment then it some articles / menus do not display.
Examples: Sub-menu for Artists - if set to ja_helpe - default it will display but if I change to the new template ja_helpe - artists it will not display.

About menu item is not displaying unless the template is ja_helpe - default

I would like one template for all, not having to try and work out what will display the images. For this reason I have not copied the template to prevent any updates making any changes to custom edits carried out.

    use Home-1 template only for Homepage
    and default as default for all other pages, I set it for you, kindly check the site now.
    Each template use different layout.

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