Hello! I am having a problem with some menu items, they don't show all the text, it cuts the text. How can I change the widht so all the text will appear on the menu item?
unet Could you share the URL of your site here?
saguaros , sorry for the late reply... I though I would receive a notification on my e-mail. The URL for the site is https://urbannet.urbantutorial.com/ . The menu items that I want to change widht are "Android App Development" and "Web Design and Development" under "Services", and "Video Demos of Templates" under "Web Design and Development".
Hi unet
You can try with this custom css rule:
.navigation .nav-child { width: 240px !important; } .navigation .nav-child li a { width: 100%; }
Hi saguaros I created a new css file and pasted the code and solved the problem. Thank you for your support.
unet You're so welcome!