Thanks for the updates.
I'm in vital need for a joomla developer to help make adjustments to my website. Do you have any suggestions for how I can find someone. I live in Los Angeles and prefer someone locally.
This is what I need immediate assistance with, but I need splash page improved and my template fixed.
I successfully changed the head image/first image on my home page, headerBg.jpg, the blue image with mountain background. (The old image is the shoe image.) The new image correctly shows on desktop. I just renamed a different image the same name, before deleting the original file, then uploaded the new one.
For the mobile head image (mob-head-img.jpg), I did the same thing, resized the it to the same dimensions as the original, but it’s not showing on mobile, portrait view. It’s still showing the old, shoe image. Images -
My site is
How can I fix this problem?
Any assistance will be immensely appreciated.