Hello team! I have two issues to solve in slideshow 1) I need to automate the slideshow in slideshow 2) A separation arose between the image and the lower flaps (image sent) Can you help me?
sergiosp Hi it depends on the height of the image and content over the image. You need to use same size of images to get exact similar output Or set a max height value for all images using this code in custom css
.acm-slideshow .owl-carousel .item { max-height: 800px; }
I need the slideshow to run automatically, how do I do?
sergiosp Open file "/acm/slideshow/tmpl/style-owl.php" in template "ja_morgan". Find
autoplay: false,
Replace it with
autoplay: true,
Hi Pankaj, In the line of code where autoplay appears, it is not as you indicate. it appears that: autoplay: <? php echo $ helper-> get ('auto-play');?>, Ask me if I should erase everything and just put the word "true" Sergio
sergiosp Hi Open Slideshow module options and set Autoplay to Yes http://prntscr.com/v3h1u9
Thanks Pankaj !, I don't really know what happened to me, but I hadn't come to realize that the autoplay option was there! Thanks again
sergiosp You are welcome!