HI is there a way to show the custom fields title and value as a inline block or inline or in two columns rather than how it is currently shown?
Also the date from the published date field shows Y-m-d, I would like it to be backwards d-m-Y
greenlizzard Hi The fields are individual and display one by one For change data formate Perhaps this topic can help:
Ok, i get the date now, but is there a way to make the fields display together? which file do I need to change?
so I can have something like Jobtype: Fulltime
instead as how it is coming out in the photo Jobtype Fulltime
greenlizzard Hi Its dynamic output to fetch the fields not each single line code. you can do the style adjustment in css using inspect element tool in the browser : http://prntscr.com/v4clcl
Thank you that works a treat!!