saguaros Hi there. Thanks for replying.
I created a custom.css file and dropped it in the template css folder. I used the inspector tool on the chrome browser to locate the style and simply tried to change the color. That's it, but nothing would take. Here is the code I copied from the inspector tool and simply changed the hex#.
@charset "utf-8";
/ CSS Document /
#s5_nav, #s5_top_bar, a.readon, a.pager, button, .button, .pagenav a, .s5_ls_readmore, .readmore a:hover, .module_round_box.highlight1, .jdGallery .carousel .carouselInner, .item-page .dropdown-menu li > a:hover, .s5_pricetable_column.recommended .s5_title, .ac-container input:checked + label, .ac-container input:checked + label:hover, .ac-container2 input:checked + label, .ac-container2 input:checked + label:hover, #s5_responsive_mobile_sidebar_login_bottom button, #s5_responsive_mobile_sidebar_register_bottom button, .s5_accordion_menu h3:hover, .s5_accordion_menu h3.s5_am_open, .s5_tab_show_slide_button_active, #s5_pos_custom_5, #s5_pos_custom_7, .icon_hover, .s5_masonry_active, .edit a.btn {
background: #44b6de !important;
#s5_scrolltopvar:hover, #s5_nav li.mainMenuParentBtnFocused, #s5_nav li.mainMenuParentBtn:hover, #subMenusContainer div ul {
background: #44b6de !important;
.S5_submenu_item:hover, .S5_grouped_child_item .S5_submenu_item:hover,, .S5_grouped_child_item {
background: #000000 !important;