I have seen similar discussions here which have not helped me, just made me more frustrated. In the last year I have not been able to even see the back end template set up pages I need to, the "design" section of the settings mainly. That page is blank. There is also the section where I can add or take away code. I cannot do either thing because any time I hit save, the whole site disappears and I have to revert and resurrect it from an earlier backup. There is code I want to change (have tried and wanted to change for a year) and there are various places in the template that I would like to adjust. There is also the zentools2 module that I should upgrade but am afraid to for the same reason. This is not proper behaviour. I have been using JB templates since the first year they came out, and I have been stuck with BuildR tempate with no way to modify it for over a year. I kept a membership with JoomlaBamboo for several years, and have a membership now. I thought paying the $89 would help me fix these errors on my site but not. A lot of this stuff is over my head, and this site was built originally (by me) on Joomla 1.5, and I have rebuilt it three times with three different templates. There is so much stuff on it that there is much danger to making updates. I do not want to allow back end access until I understand the root of the problem. Could it be as simple as Admin Tools? I have had that installed for years without issue.
Thank you for any enlightenment you might offer.
Carol Jones