Hello. I installed Teline V Quickstart in a temporary folder of my web: http://www.bitbotbox.com/pruebas/ateneo/
When I try to edit some settings in the style editor I get a "Forbidden. You don't have permission to access this resource." when trying to save or close in the editor.
Can you take a look at it?
Thanks in advance.
bitbotbox Hi Can you check it again? I tried to edit theme and added a test theme http://prntscr.com/vdpeoi No error found.
Hi. It happens when you click here:
I found the problem anyway, but I think you need to know it to repackage the Quickstart for other users. It works as expected if I delete the code in the "before /head":
bitbotbox Hi The code would not effect the saving as its Addthis share code that comes in quickstart package to show the share button in the template. Remove the code will also remove the working of share. You can replace it with your Addthis account share script.
Hi. What I say is if I edit this it lets me save the style. Maybe its a problem with the database, I don't know. But this way it works, else it doesn't. Best regards.
bitbotbox Might be temp issue, if it remain same you can edit fields in first post and submit the login, I will have a look again.
Hi. I restored the original files from the Quickstart, so you can try yourself what I mean. As you will see, the only way to save/close the template style is to edit/erase the field in "before /head". Regards.
bitbotbox Hi Error is in the script. Kindly use this only
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-548fde827970ba6d" async="async"></script>