Hi, I have set up a range slider that takes the values (price) from a custom field, this works fine but I wish to have the slider step in 500 values, where it seems to be stepping in twentys+ so as my range currently starts at 1500 as the lowest option is 1495.00, when you move the slider it steps like 1521, 1541 etc where I would like it to step like 1500, 2000,2500,3000 etc,
Is this possible?
ui Slider step in 500's
HI greenlizzard
Could you share the credentials of your site and tell me name of that field? I will take a look.
Hi Saguaros,
i have added details above for you,
the custom field pricerange is an interger with a minimum of 500 and a max of 10,000, each article sets a max range for the car, but on the front end, the range slider increments by 20, I need it to increment by 500.
Hi greenlizzard
I checked with our developer but unfortunately, it doesn't support a fixed range like that at this moment.
saguaros locked the discussion.