Hi, I've updated JomSocial from previous to the latest version and now my site not work (Error 500)
I only did the simple installation of JomSocial from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7. Please fix my site as soon as you can
yodam1 Hi In this case i need your site temp super user login, Kindly submit them in Edit fields options for staff. It appear your server not able to handle the new codes.
Ninja Hi, I've added in fields
yodam1 Hi Kindly check it now : http://prntscr.com/vjyqh9
Ninja It seem good. How you fixed?
yodam1 Yes I installated the patch version. Some of the server not support Aws Phar files that make issue.
This will be fixed in next version too.
Hi, Can you give me this patch to download?
yodam1 Hi There are multiple files so will be complete package. Dev is working on it may be end of this week or next week you can download it from download page directly with more fixes.
Hi, What new features will you add to JomSocial during 2020/2021?
yodam1 Hi In upcoming release there are major bug fixes and New improved post box with new Emoji system. More feature you can check in roadmap.
Hi, if roadmap is https://www.jomsocial.com/features/road-map
there are only some small changes OPEN. is it correct?
yodam1 Hi I do not understand what you by small changes? There is no change in roadmap that very small. Open tag are for the changes are not implemented in current version and planned for new version.