Hello, the members of my site cannot do research in a radius around them, moreover the cropping of the profile photos of the members does not work.
contact-davidlissparis-com Hi Kindly take backup of site and install this package. Let me know if the issue remain same. Also try Jomsocial page with default Joomla template Protostar, sometime template makes issue with extensions.
Hello thanks for your answer, i installed the package, now the cropping works fine but the search by distance still does not work, what can i do?
contact-davidlissparis-com Hi The search option will work depend on the location of the users, Map will auto select the distance from one place to another. Your site is in a different language, can you give 2 users example with username password as demo who not appear in search results.
it does not work for the whole site, when a member of the site does a search for example 20 km around him it is all the members of the site that is displayed even the members who are more than 100 km away is displayed in the result.
contact-davidlissparis-com Hi I tried to add 2 demo account for test, but your Google Map is not working. Are you added the location of users via Jomsocial? http://prntscr.com/vq8i7b
Hello yes when registering each member puts their location (country, region and city)
It's ok I solved the problem. thanks